2008年10月6日 星期一

Tree Map

I questioned myself a lot during every step, so I could not finish anything practically. Today in writing class, I tried to map out my project and find out where I am in this diagram. As a result, it looks like a huge domain in the content, which is good as well as bad. The good thing is that I have abundant materials to address my concept. But the bad thing is obviously that I am engaged in many issues. Since I have to drill down for three-week-long process, I need to make a choice from them.
So, I picked physical interface on the form side. And for the first experiment- a door letting remote people communicate in real time, I think I was trying to make "On-line meeting" into physical world. It means that I attempted to make real-time meeting happens regardless space distance in physical world as easily as it does in virtual one.
For the second experiment- a door letting remote people communicate by passing a note to each other, I am going to recreate a usual communication way happens regardless space distance in physical world as easily as it does in the Internet.
The difference between the first and the second is that users can communicate with each other through touchable interface-paper weather the partner is in front of the door or not in the later . But in the first, although users have to be both on site to communicate, they don't have any time difference in this case.
